Understanding Oboe Reed Resistance The term “resistance” is one we oboists all know well in practice, but can struggle slightly when it comes to describing what the term actually refers to. What causes resistance? how can I understand what affects the level of resistance in oboe reeds ? how can know what is causing the…
6 Reasons oboists should meditate
6 Reasons oboists should meditate I am a huge proponent of meditation for personal well-being. It plays a huge role in my life to reduce stress, increase focus, increase creativity, relieve and prevent tension within the body, as well as provide numerous other benefits. There has been a lot of studies recently promoting the positive…
“The Big Three” qualities of oboe reeds; Resistance, response, and intonation
Introducing “The Big Three” qualities of oboe reeds. Resistance, response, and intonation. The oboe reed can be perceived to be a complicated, finicky, and mysterious device. We oboists tend to fuss to no end over the small noise maker, spending hours lurched over a reed desk on our search for perfection. Over time the mysteries…
oboe reeds for beginners
Oboe Reeds For Beginners. The oboe is often recognized as one of the most difficult instruments to play. Beginning oboe students are often intimidated by the reputation of the instrument. The oboe is a rather difficult instrument for several reasons, but the major difficulty is dealing with the oboe reed. The reed itself is constructed…
How to play dynamics on the oboe
So.. How do you play dynamics on the oboe anyway? Here are my thoughts. Building a large dynamic range on the oboe can be challenging for oboe students of all ages. Students must work smart and hard to create a large range of dynamics from ppp, to fff with a beautiful rich tone throughout the…
The Rocamora Reed Knife
Looking at the Rocamora Reed Knife. I have owned a Rocamora reed knife for six years or so, and it is very nice, yet has never been my go to knife for reed making. I have recently been experimenting with it to find a way of sharpening that suites my needs better. I tend to…
9 Reasons why your oboe reeds are leaking
9 Reasons why your oboe reeds are leaking 1. The cane was tied onto the staple unevenly. This is the most common cause for a leaky reed for novice oboe reed makers. A piece of cane that is not centered on the staple will leak from the side near the staple. Always be sure that…
How to adjust flat oboe reeds without any tools.
How to adjust flat oboe reeds without any tools. Here are a few simple ways to adjust flat oboe reeds without any reed making tools. These tricks are all manipulating the internal dimensions of the oboe reed. I speak about this more in the article oboe reed intonation introduction. Soak new reeds in warm water…
Guide to soaking oboe reeds
Soaking Oboe Reeds; How Long Should I Soak My Oboe reed? I have been playing the oboe for 20 years, and teaching for over 15 years now, I tend to take soaking reeds for granted and I do not tend to give it a lot of thought. The topic has been coming up in different…
Make oboe reeds stable.
How do I make oboe reeds stable? The best way to make oboe reeds stable is by adjusting it to crow at C natural. You can crow the reed by placing the cane part into your mouth up to the thread, and blowing with progressively more pressure until a pitch is heard. The pitch that…